Vol. 4, #10 – October 2013 |
Message from the President Greetings from the Crescent City. Right now I am sitting in the lobby of a hotel rebuilt since Katrina. The spirit of New Orleans is infectious and is a great example of why we pursue growth and seek more out of life even when you start below sea level.
Fortunately TAOM continues to float well above water and has great opportunities with a wealth of talent coming from upstream.
In the last six weeks I have visited with a dozen performers who rarely hit the convention circuit but perform for the paying public and exhibit that drive to be innovative and fresh.
For 2014 I have already announced Magic Camp and the private Houdini tour at Arthur Moses’ home. We will also be moving out of the hotel ballroom this year to experience the unique atmosphere of Casa Manana. Casa’s rich history includes a performance by Hardeen (Houdini’s brother) I am told. This radiant theater offers a fantastic view from all seats and will allow you to invite your friends for two great evenings. Another reason to register now, for when the first tickets become available to the public the registered members will receive a notice and a discount code their friends can use.
I look forward to seeing you in 2014 and my thanks to those who have contacted me with some unique offers we may implement next year.
Best wishes,
Bill Irwin
2014 TAOM President |
Houdini in Dallas for TAOM 2014 Houdini’s very name invokes mystery, surprise, and daring. Harry Houdini (1874 – 1926) lived an amazing life.
As an exclusive treat to the 2014 TAOM in Fort Worth, registered conventioneers will have the chance to be chosen for a private visit to the world renowned Houdini memorabilia collection of Arthur Moses. Arthur began his interest in collecting over 40 years ago and has amassed nearly 5000 items. You will see a rare sidewalk stand (one of only two known to exist), a Houdini straitjacket, handcuffs, photos, autographs, postcards, pitch-books, lantern slides, books, magazines, posters, Houdini’s wallet, and the iconic monogrammed pajama pocket he was wearing when he died. Bring your camera because there is so much more in the museum-like setting Arthur has assembled. Arthur will answer your questions and be sure to entertain you with his stories and sharp wit.
As readers of Magic Across Texas, IF YOU ARE REGISTERED for the TAOM 2014 (and I will check every response) you may send the names of anyone on your registration who is interested in attending the collection to President@TAOM2014.com . If you have not registered, do that first. For the first drawing of names, I will select from this list. Attendance is limited and tour times are subject to availability and, since this is a private home, there are restrictions for handicap access. There is no additional charge. All transportation will be provided. Responding to this invitation does NOT mean you will be selected for the tour, it only allows you to be eligible. During the year, selections will be made periodically for the remaining seats and only REGISTERED TAOM 2014 attendees will be eligible. PUT ‘HOUDINI’ IN THE SUBJECT LINE. I will identify the winners in the next issue.

Arthur has written Houdini Speaks Out and Houdini Periodical Bibliography, as well as over two dozen journal articles, presented numerous lectures, and was featured in the September 2013 episode of Extreme Collectors (The Slice Network, a Canadian Television Broadcast).
Bill Irwin, President
TAOM 2014 |
Corpus Christi IBM Ring 157 Magicians all over South Texas are excited about the resurgence of IBM Ring 157 in Corpus Christi. Former members are coming to meetings and new members are joining the ranks. Scott and Judy Hollingsworth (who live about half way between Corpus and Houston) have joined the club and are lending their considerable talents and enthusiasm to the re-birth of the club.
The photo shows IBM Ring 157 members Kase Wright, Judy Hollingsworth, Scott Hollingsworth, Don Stiefel, Joe Douglas, Marilyn Douglas, and Ed Betts with a gate-crasher in yellow at a recent meeting at the Ronald McDonald House in Corpus Christi.
At the club’s October 13 meeting, Ring President Ed Betts graciously acceded to the club’s wishes to have Judy Hollingsworth represent the club on the TAOM Board of Directors. He cited his 95 years and travel limitations as good and sufficient reasons to retire from that position. He agreed to continue as club president until the installation of officers banquet and party in December. An open invitation was issued to magicians around the state to attend what promises to be a lively party with good food and fun. Send an email to party coordinator Marilyn Douglas to make reservations or more information. |
The Remarkable Ray Anderson Magicians around the world stand in awe of Austin’s favorite son Ray Anderson and his live performances at Esther’s for the past 30 years. An article in the October issue of Vanish Magazine (online only) gives a great overview of this outstanding performer and the remarkable venue that is Esther’s. You can read the entire article (and the whole magazine, for that matter) free at http://www.vanishmagazine.com/
“The featured entertainer in the show is Ray Anderson, who has spent thirty years in the show, polishing his illusion, comedy, manipulative and audience participation into one of the most carefully constructed performances in the magic world. There isn’t a dull moment when Anderson is onstage. He has hit the point where there isn’t a wasted word or glance in his presentation; everything has a reason and a pay-off.
Performing immaculate and inventive large-scale illusions, or parodying the genre, it is truly an object lesson in performing skills to watch as Anderson does his thing—Ray quite simply ‘owns’ the stage.” |
San Antonio’s Josephine Theatre presents AllStars of Magic on October 26 with shows at 3:00 and 7:30 featuring Doug Gorman, Paul Mims, Dwayne Stanton, and Tim St. John. Tickets available at Brown Paper Tickets.

I.A.T.S.E. Hall at 3030 North Freeway (I-45)
Call Dick Olson at 281-579-6141 or
Doug Kornegay at 713-290-9982
Roy Zaltsman
Saturday October 26 – Ft. Worth, TX
Sunday October 27 – Dallas, TX
Tuesday October 29 – Houston, TX
David Gabbay
Saturday November 2 – Metarie, LA
Sunday November 17 – Ft. Worth, TX
Tuesday November 19 – Houston, TX
Wednesday November 20 – San Antonio, TX
David Ginn
Friday November 15 – Metarie, LA
Saturday November 15 – Sulphur, LA
Bits and Pieces of Interesting Stuff
Jack the Ripper Séance in Houston
Halloween is séance time. This year, La Carafe (813 Congress in Houston) will feature Jack the Ripper séances during the month of October. Scott Wells will present walk-around bizarre magic for patrons in the downstairs bar. At 8:00 p.m. upstairs in the private bar area, Jamie will make contact with the spirits of the Jack the Ripper and his murder victims at one of the most haunted locations in Texas. Patrons are welcome to bring cameras and EMF meters. Many have captured orbs and strong EMF readings during the séances. Dates: Sunday October 13, 20 & 27 and Wednesday October 16, 23 & 30. For more information, visit: http://HoustonSeance.com/
A new performance venue in Austin gives all performers a stage and audience to try out new material. Spider House Ballroom at 2908 Fruth Street offers a variety show at 9 p.m. on the first and third Sundays where any performer is given six minutes of stage time to do ANYTHING they’d like! THE ONLY RULE: It must be something new, untested and which they’ve never performed or tested in front of an audience before! Hence the name: “The Dress Rehearsal”.
Monday Night Magic in Arlington
Magic aficionados meet informally every Monday evening at Humperdink’s Restaurant at Six Flags in Arlington. Anyone interested in magic is welcome to attend.
Magic at the Houston Improv
Magical entertainers Ted Schwank and Carter Blackburn take you on a high-energy adventure of magic, illusion, and comedy. Details at www.improvhouston.com
Second Saturday at Magic, Etc., 9:00 a.m., Forest Park Blvd. at I-30 in Fort Worth.
Family Magic in McKinney
Second Saturday Family Magic Shows at Main Street Magic and Fun Company, 2111 North Tennessee. Call 972-542-5010 for reservations; tickets are $10 each; seating is limited to only 20 patrons.
B Magic Children’s Shows
Saturdays at 5:00 and 6:30 and Sunday at 1:00 and 2:30. 1903 West Pioneer Parkway in Arlington. Call 817-795-0404.
Comedy and Magic for All Ages at the Arlington Improv every Sunday at 2:00. This show is designed to have you in awe no matter your age! With a combination of comedy and magic, the FUN doesn’t stop. Go to www.improve.com for more details or call 817-635-5555.
The Last Word Please take a few minutes to admire the new look to the TAOM website at www.taom.org . JD Stewart has changed the format to an easier-to-navigate style. I looked at the member clubs listed on the “Texas Magic Clubs” page under “Magic in Texas”. Several of the listings have incorrect contact information and should be updated to show new officers, etc. Please get in touch with JD at jd@jd-stewart.com to make corrections. To my personal knowledge, the listings are wrong for Austin SAM, Dallas Clubs, Fort Worth Clubs, Houston IBM & SAM, Lubbock IBM, San Antonio IBM & SAM and OAI in College Station. This is a terrific resource for visiting magicians, but only if it is kept current. Please check you club’s information. While you’re at it, check the “Magic in (city)” to see if performance schedules for magicians in your city are listed correctly.
Apologies for being such a nag, but that’s my job, y’know.
Judy Hollingsworth
TAOM Club Coordinator
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