……………………….WELCOME!……………………. |
May 2009
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Only 2 weeks until early-bird pricing flies away.
Register for the 2009 Texas Association of Magicians convention at the current low price until June 1st.
Go to https://www.taom2009.com/reg.htm to register online or print a mail-in registration form. If you prefer, I’ll be happy to mail you one — just give me a call at 361-972-3430 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 361-972-3430 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting or send me an email: scott@taom2009.com
I know you’ll want to take advantage of this price savings. You’ll need your extra $$’s to grab the bargains our many dealers will offer!
In This Issue: |
The President’s Message |
Get to Know TAOM |
Spotlight on Houston |
Convention Update |
Final Thoughts
The President’s Message The Magic Collectors Association meeting on April 17 at the incredible home/museum of Richard Garriott lived up to all its hype — and much more. A few lucky magicians who came to Austin a day early for the auction were invited to attend the meeting and enjoy a guided tour of Garriott’s home. Our genial host and tour guide shared the secrets of the house and some of his extensive magic collection.The Austin Magic Auction on Saturday the 18th was another blow-out. The biggest and best — that’s the way auctioneer Kent Cummins describes it every year…and he’s right! He, Scott Wells, and David Hira handled the stage demos and sales, with Judy Donaldson filling in from time to time with her patented “speed” auction segments. Attendance was up, sales were up, and spirits were waaaaay up! A good time was had by all. Buyers took home bargains and sellers took home dollars.
We took our little show-and-tell routine to tout Houston TAOM convention registration to San Antonio on April 16. It was very gratifying to have over forty magicians attend the Ring 18 club meeting that evening. The Alamo City group was hospitable and we enjoyed their presentations.
All in all, it was a great week for boosting the convention, meeting new magicians, and visiting with old friends.
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Get to Know Your TAOM“What,” you may ask, “is the ‘Texas Association of Magicians’?” “Who,” you may ask, “are the Texas Association of Magicians’?” Both questions are legitimate, because the Texas Association of Magicians is both “what” and “who”.
The “what” is a group of member clubs in the State of Texas that encourage the practice and appreciation of magic as an art, support each other, and encourage their members to join our association. The “who” are magicians from all around the world who enjoy our style of fellowship and come together each year on Labor Day Weekend.
“Member Clubs” join the association by virtue of being recognized affiliates of any National or International Magic Society. Each member club elects a representative to be on the governing Board of Directors of the TAOM, along with the elected officers and past presidents.
At present, fourteen club representatives from eight Texas cities sit on the Board, which meets (usually) twice a year. Alphabetically, the clubs and their reps are:
Austin IBM Ring 60, David Luther
Austin SAM Assembly 206, Ron Cartlidge
Corpus Christi IBM Ring 157, Ed Betts
Dallas IBM Ring 174, David Hira
Dallas SAM Assembly 13, Ian Richards
Fort Worth IBM Ring 15, Tom Ethridge
Fort Worth SAM Assembly 138, Mark Miertschin
Houston IBM Ring 39, Trixie Bond
Houston SAM Assembly 19, Judy Donaldson
Longview IBM Ring 286, Eugene Wilke
San Antonio IBM Ring 18, Jim Cook
San Antonio SAM Assembly 52, Leona Coffin
Tyler IBM Ring 266, Kevin King
Texas Chapter of the Invisible Lodge, James DunnGive these fine ladies and gentlemen a round of applause for their dedication in furthering the interests of the State organization and continuing to help magic grow. Let them know if you have any ideas about creating new members and generating a wider interest in the art of magic.
Our world of magic became smaller and was saddened by the death of Bill Mayes on April 30, 2009. Bill was a long-time member of IBM, TAOM, and West Texas Wizards. He was president of the Texas Association of Magicians in 1995, when he masterminded an outstanding convention in Lubbock.
Bill’s life was filled with laughter and joy; his warmth and kind spirit had a profound impact on all those who knew him. The TAOM Board of Directors extends sincere sympathy to his wife Jean and his family.
Spotlight on Houston During the 2009 TAOM convention, Professional Close-Up Coordinator Michael Thomas will shepherd the close-up entertainers through the schedule of their multiple performances.
Michael is a Houston native with wide-ranging interests. Magic tops the list, but he has excelled in competitions that include basketball, pool, karate, chess, horseshoe throwing, science, vacuum cleaner salesman, and fishing.Michael credits his mentor, Fred The Great Scott Donaldson, with encouraging and furthering his career. Clad in cape, white turban with red ruby, and signature heart sunglasses in his “Cobra” persona, he won the TAOM trophy for best stage act in 1979. He has served as president of Austin IBM Ring 60, and the Houston Association of Magicians. He is currently the president of Houston IBM Ring 39.
Michael, who has a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Science, works as a research laboratory manager at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center where he has been employed for the past thirty-five years. He and Cassandra, his wife of thirty years, have two grown children. Michelle and Christopher.
He is looking forward to visiting with his many friends from around the state during the convention.
Convention Update HERE’S A BRIGHT IDEA! Be part of this great convention! Publicity Coordinator Gene Protas wants to add your business card to the 2009 TAOM Souvenir Program. For only $25, he will insert your card telling the world about your business and that you support magic and the TAOM. Quarter-page, half-page, full-page, and even the full color back cover ad space is also available. You can send the money and your ad online or print a mail-in form from the website, https://www.taom2009.com/ads1.htm If you’d rather, we will mail you a printed form; just call 281-339-3741 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 281-339-3741 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting or 361-972-3430 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 361-972-3430 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting. We want YOU to be in the program.
DEALERS?? You bet! Magic shop dealers, book dealers, magic prop builders, dealers from Europe, specialty dealers’ you name it, we got’em! Dealer Chairman Scott Wells has the large dealers’ room laid out comfortably for buyers and sellers alike. He has a few booths left if you’d like to join this outstanding group of magic purveyors. Get in touch with him at scottwells@taom2009.com or 713-524-0147 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 713-524-0147 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
DON’T FORGET¦REGISTER TODAY! Low registration prices are good through May 31. |
Final Thoughts Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can‘t, you‘re right.“With spring comes a renewal. Take a moment to reflect on the changes you have made and the changes you’d like to make in your personal and professional life. Whatever you wish, whatever you dream,,,,,YOU CAN. You are never too old or too poor or too tired to make improvements. Begin with small steps to accomplish a reachable goal; then reach a little farther. Before you know it, you‘ll be on top of this magical world.
Scott Hollingsworth, President
361-972-3430 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 361-972-3430 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting or 731-271-2114 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 731-271-2114 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting |
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