March 2013





Vol. 4, #3 – March 2013


Official Newsletter

of the

Texas Association of Magicians


for all magicians everywhere!


In This Issue:
President’s Message
Austin Magic Auction
Bits and Pieces of Interesting Stuff
Coming Attractions
The Last Word
Dallas Convention Update from TAOM President Mark Jensendallas_performers_montage_march_2013_matOur work on TAOM is moving forward and we are excited about the acts and events we are going to be announcing over the next couple of months.  We’ve already told you about our Guest of Honor, Tom Mullica, and that David Stone will have a new lecture for us.  We’ve talked about Chip Romero and that he will be presenting a very special event about Doug Henning and will be bringing several of Doug’s original illusions for the event.  We’ve even mentioned that Fielding West will be performing for the first time ever at a TAOM.  While this is some pretty cool stuff we have a lot more to share.

Danny Korem will be appearing at a magic convention for the first time in over 20 years and will be performing his famed “7 Signed Cards to Pocket” where the final card vanishes from between the spectator’s hands.

Rob Zabrecky, who is on the cover of the April Genii will be performing in our Comedy Magic Showdown.  If you haven’t seen Rob before, this is one act that you don’t want to miss.

Performing in our Professional Close-Up show we will also have Jared Kopf.  If you don’t know Jared, he is one of Bob White’s protégé’s and honestly, has too much talent to be found in just one person.

We will be announcing additional information about the convention, so stay tuned and check out our website, Facebook and Twitter.

Registration prices increase on May 1st, so register today to save:

I’m looking forward to seeing you all at TAOM this year.

Mark Jensen, President


Austin Magic Auction — Now and “Back When”austin_auction_new_logoThe 2013 Austin Magic Auction on Saturday, April 20
is shaping up to be the YEAR OF THE ILLUSIONS!

Each year as we collect items from sellers, we are always surprised with the cornucopia of magic effects and collectibles.  This year the illusions are making a statement – a BIG STATEMENT!  What a blessing we have more room to display these effects this year.

If anyone is looking for a Kevin James Snow Animator, Renaissance Jacket, Chalet Thin Sawing, Chalet Steamer Style Subtrunk, Fire Cage, Wellington Asrah Levitation, Mis-made Illusion, a big box of self-contained footlights, chair suspension,  guillotine, Queens Cut Illusion, Flaming Head Chest, Canvas Covered Escape Illusion, Circus illusions – you need to be present on April 20th for our auction! Drive your truck because we cannot store these items.

Our Collectibles Section is also growing with some fabulous books, Rice, Thayer, Owen and Collector’s Workshop pieces.

We have a total of 49 sellers – beating the record for the 2012 Auction.  It is only 20 days until the 32nd Annual Austin Magic Auction takes place can we break 50 sellers?   Email for a seller’s number.

Our website has over 60 descriptions up!We have a lot of new photos that will be posted soon.  Those are some of the fine books from the Dick Todd Collection.  Take a look.  There is a lot of information on our web site.


There is a $10 entry fee to the auction.  Everyone, magician, spouse and children all pay the $10 fee – NO EXCEPTIONS (even the chairman pays a $10 entry fee, no kidding!)

NO buyers’ fee.   There is a sellers fee of 12% on items received by April 2nd.  Items received after April 2nd will be charged a 15% sellers fee.

During the auction there will be complimentary, healthy snacks.  Magic Camp will also provide us a PIZZA LUNCH.

David Hira will be back as the head auctioneer with new talent added to the team of auctioneers.

Check out the latest on our website:

In 2012, 40 different sellers offered 250 items from the stage and over 1500 on the silent auction tables.  More than 200 workers, buyers, and sellers attended, with sales amounting to over $20,000.   This year’s excellent venue offers much more room.  Silent auction items will not be crowded on top of each other.  (Remember — no food or drinks in the silent auction area.)  The new facility is the Twin Lakes Fellowship Church,  1150 South Bell Boulevard (map) in Cedar Park, just north of Austin proper on Highway 183.  There is plenty of free parking.  A motorcross race, with an estimate 70,000 visitors, will be going on in Austin the same weekend as the auction, so hotel space will be at a premium.  Check the auction website for links to our “Official Hotel” and suggested area hotels.  Reserve your room now.

For any additional information, contact Auction Chairman Trixie Bond at



How and when did the World Famous Austin Magic Auction begin?billy_niels_with_judy_and_fredAn overview by Auction Chairman Trixie Bond

Like most wonderful projects, it began as an idea to inspire young magicians. It began with a couple of individuals who were willing to put in sweat equity and time to share their love of magic with others.  Those individuals were Judy* and Fred Donaldson. (*now Judy Hollingsworth)

In 1973, Fred and Judy taught weekly magic classes at the Dottie Jordan Recreation Center for the Austin Parks & Recreation Department.   They taught several sessions for 7-14 year-olds and had a couple of “good” classes with great kids who really were inspired to be magicians.   Judy remembers, “One class of students in particular was so enthusiastic  that we decided to show them what a convention was like since we were telling them about TAOM that year.  We had one stage show, one close-up show, one lecture, and one auction (in place of a dealer).  John Novak brought lots of nice but inexpensive items from the magic shop in San Antonio where he was working at the time.  That was the beginning of the auction.”  The photo shows Judy and Fred with one of those outstanding magic students Billy Neils.  (As an aside, Billy brought his wife and children to the 1999 TAOM Convention in Austin for a wonderful reunion with his tutors.)

For the first several years, Fred and Judy did everything!  The merchandise was delivered to their home, they sorted, repaired, tagged, logged, and transported it to the auction venue.  They did accept a little help with the on-stage auctioning, but Fred organized the “stuff” and Judy kept the books.

The third year, 1975, when marketing guru and magician Kent Cummins moved to Austin and got involved, the “convention” parts of the mini-convention were skipped in favor of just the auction.  More people attended!  1975 is considered the beginning of the auction when IBM Ring 60 became the sponsor.

After 1976, the auction was held at various locations and then a home was found at the Unitarian Church in North Austin.  The auction was held there for several years.  Fred built several 8′ long “tents” to staple bagged close-up items on to double the table display space.  For those first years that’s the way the silent auction worked! Fred and Judy continued to manage the logistics and records for a few years until they got “promoted” to the kitchen when spaghetti lunches became staple fare to avoid a long lunch break.  One of the most spacious locations was in Westgate Mall.  Kent Cummins had one of his “Samwitch Shops” in in the mall and he found space for the auction in a closed big-box store space.

In 1995, the Austin Magic Auction celebrated its 20th anniversary.  That year’s auction, held in Westgate Mall, was one of the highest grossing auctions, generating over $34,000 in revenue.  Over 300 magicians attend that year.  As a result, IBM Ring 60, the sponsor of the auction, donated $1,571.00 to the National Scholarship Fund of the Society of Young Magicians.

Note:  This is the first chapter of a history of the Austin Magic Auction.  If you find any factual errors, please let me know.  I hope it stirs some memories of auctions past and that you will share those reminisces with me.    I see this as a beginning.  Trixie


Bits and Pieces of Interesting Stuffsyryock_and_beckerJohn Shryock and Fred Becker in Houston


A pair of world-famous magicians will share the bill on April 27 at Top Talent Productions’ wonderful evening of magic at the Hilton Americas Hotel in downtown Houston.  John Shryock and Fred Becker have each garnered well-earned reputations as excellent stage and cruise ship magicians during the last several years.  “Back in the day”, they each performed at Magic Island to rave reviews.  Their acts will present a mixture of comedy and amazing sleight of hand that will leave you amused and amazed!  The show starts at 8:00, but plan to arrive early to enjoy the close-up artistry of strolling magicians.  For more information or tickets, go to or call 832-724-3045.

San Antonio Young Magicians

Society of Young Magicians Assembly 114, The Ed Solomon S.Y.M. Assembly, will celebrate the achievements of of its members on April 5th at the S.Y.M. Pin Awards and Banquet.  Ten of the motivated youngsters have earned their Bronze Pin Award for reaching new levels in magic, leadership, and confidence in life skills.  Contact S.Y.M. adult leader Dwayne Stanton at for details.

Ben Does it Again

Congratulations to Ben Jackson for making it to the final three contestants vying for The Next Great Magician on the NBC Today Show.  The final competition was aired on Monday, March 25.  Go to to see Ben’s performance.  For the last few weeks, the TV show has featured David Copperfield as the guest host for “Magic Mondays”.   During the final, each contestant was given 45 seconds to present one close up trick. One did a bottle cap change (Spellbound), the second produced sticks of gum from an empty packet, and Ben tore up a signed photo then restored it inside out (Torn 2 Pieces).  David chose the young woman bartender who did the bottle cap transposition as the winner.  Ben’s presentation was flawless with an excellent trick for the venue and audience.  Although Copperfield didn’t recognize him as the Next Great Magician, Ben IS great!  Congratulations, Ben. You looked good and you did Texas and Houston proud!

_margaret_emeryMagic Women in San AntonioIn keeping with Women Awareness Month, San Antonio I.B.M. Ring 18 hosted “Women in Magic Awareness Night” on March 18.  Trixie Bond, along with 95-year-young Margaret Emory (mother of former TAOM President Bob Emory) and 9 year old, Trinity, presented the program.

Trinity opened the program and produced flowers from an empty bag.  She is a delightful young lady with an outgoing personality.  Margaret spoke about how she became  interested in magic while assisting her son, Bob (TAOM Stage winner.)  Over the years Margaret performed many shows for the Rotary, Optimists Clubs and nursing homes.  She recently retired because of a stroke and “she’s just plain tired!”

Trixie Bond opened her segment with a 15 minute close-up routine and then spoke about the “History of Women in Magic.” She closed with a quote that Adelaide Hermann wrote in 1912:  “Magic is a graceful art, and, as those of my own sex are the real exponents of grace, I have often wondered why more young girls do not turn their attention to the study and practice of magic, as it develops every one of the attributes necessary to social success – grace, dexterity, agility, easy of movement, perfection of manner and self-confidence. Self-confidence and assurances are most essential to the successful magician.”

Ring 18 members said that Trixie’s presentation was one of the most enjoyable magic events they’ve ever had.  Brava, Ms. Bond!


TAOM Past President Terry Campagna

Farewell to TAOM Past President Terry Campagna.  She passed away peacefully in her sleep on March 14, 2013.

Ron Cartlidge Recovering

In the early hours on Saturday, March 23rd, Ron Cartlidge suffered a heart attack.  The good news is he made it in time to the hospital where he immediately had stent surgery.  That old saying “you cannot keep a good man down” certainly applies to Ron.  He is home recovering, and feeling good enough to be on the computer organizing auction items for the Austin Magic Auction coming up on April 20th!

Bill Palmer Wed

Well-known Texas magician Bill Palmer and Houston veterinarian Julie Wagner were married in a lovely ceremony on March 24th.  Congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple!


Magic in Richardson

Diamond Jim Tyler appears every Thursday night at Texas Restaurant in Richardson from 6:30-8:30pm. Visit DJ’s site for videos.

Monday Night Magic

Dallas/Fort Worth – Monday Night Magic, 7:00 p.m. each Monday evening at Humperdink’s Restaurant near Six Flags on Six Flags Drive.

Family Magic in McKinney

McKinney – Second Saturday Family Magic Shows at Main Street Magic and Fun Company, 211 North Tennessee. Call (972) 542-5010 for reservations; tickets are $10 each; seating is limited to only 20 patrons.

Arlington Improv and Addison Improv

Shows every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. featuring various magicians, including Trigg Watson, Jeff Lee, Mike Squires, Ian Richards, John Kline, David Hira, and Dal Sanders.


Dallas/Fort Worth, April 1 – Tim Sonefelt Lecture. Details in next month’s newsletter.

San Antonio, April 2 – Tim Sonefelt Lecture. Details in next month’s newsletter .

Tyler, April 11 – MASTERS OF ILLUSION. Gay Blackstone’s production of the hit TV series “Master of Illusion” will be presented live at the Cowan Fine & Performing Arts Center in Tyler. Go to for details.

Grand Prairie, April 12 – PENN & TELLER. At the Verizon Theater in Grand Prairie. Details at

Thibodaux, Louisiana,  April 12 & 13 – Louisiana Magic Weekend.  Details at

Austin, Apirl 20 – AUSTIN MAGIC AUCTION.  Details at

Dallas, May 13 – Dallas Magic Clubs Installation Banquet and Show by John Shryock.  Details to follow.

Dallas, May 14 – John Shryock Lecture.  Details to follow.

Tyler, May 20 – Kendrick “Ice” McDonald lecture.  7 p.m. at Trinity Baptist Church.  For details, contact Paul Budd at

San Antonio, June 7 – Assembly 52 Installation Dinner and Show featuring Trixie Bond at Aldaco’s Mexican Restaurant.  Details to follow.

The Last Word

If you have never attended the Austin Magic Auction, you really should go.  Even if you are not a buyer or seller, you will make friends and enjoy the magic.  The stage auction is one big magic show that lasts all day long.  Over the years, Austin magicians have been the cornerstone of the unique camaraderie magic brings to our brotherhood.  Where else do the leaders and workers pay the same admission as the customers?  Where else do diligent volunteers spend hours and days and weeks performing the hundreds of tasks necessary to pull the event together and process the results? Where else can you learn magic from the pros for free?  Year after year the system improves and the focus turns to fun and magic.  See you there!

Judy Hollingsworth
TAOM Club Coordinator



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