Vol. 4, #7 – July 2013 |
Dallas Update from Mark Jensen

I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in Dallas in just over a month. As I’ve mentioned in the past we’ve got some great one time only, never to be repeated events planned. We’ve just added another never to be repeated event that I’m excited to tell you about:
Magic, Movies and a Cast of Characters
This never-to-be-repeated panel discussion will delve into what it really takes to succeed on television or in the movies. We all know Robert Houdin’s famous quote which states “A conjuror is not a juggler; he is an actor playing the part of a magician”. This is an unique opportunity to learn what he really meant. The panelists are leading industry professionals who have forged successful careers as magic consultants, actors and magicians. They will be sharing their wisdom and experiences gained from working in television and the movies. The cast includes:
• David Magee – Moderator
• Johnny Thompson
• Harry Anderson
• Burton Gilliam
• Tom Mullica
• One of the Baldwin Brothers – like any good magic trick, we will reveal which one at the appropriate time.
If you have ever wondered what it takes to be a magic consultant, perform magic on television and in the movies, work as an actor or develop a character for the stage, then this is one event that you do not want to miss. There will also be a meet and greet opportunity after the panel discussion.
President’s Message

Some Important Reminders:
• Contest Registration has been extended to July 31st, so you still have time to register to compete.
• Convention Schedule for Friday & Monday has been posted on www.taom2013.com to assist in your travel arrangements.
• Convention Program Ads – there is still time to submit an ad for our program.
• Dealers – We will be announcing the incredible dealers who have signed on for TAOM later this month. Hint: Start saving your money now!
• Charity Auction – We will be posting many of the great items that we will be auctioning off to support our charities. Plus there will be some amazing, rarely seen entertainment during the auction.
• Special Videos – Check out our YouTube Channel for more messages from our incredible performers: http://www.youtube.com/user/TAOMConvention?feature=watch
Now is the perfect time to register if you want to be part of this fantastic event. Evening Show seating is assigned, so the sooner you register, the better seats you will have.
Go to www.taom2013.com to register today!
I’m looking forward to seeing you all at TAOM this year.
Mark Jensen, 2013 TAOM President
Big Dal from Big D – National S.A.M. President
Congratulations to well-known Dallas magician Dal Sanders for being named national president of the Society of American Magicians at that club’s annual convention in Washington, D.C., on July 6. He is the first Texas magician to be so honored. Dal has been active in Texas magic for many years and has big plans for the Society in 2014. As a result of his increased commitments, Dal has turned over the chore of editor of The Wizards’ Scroll, the Dallas Magic Clubs’ monthly newsletter, to Brad Ingle. His new responsibilities, although onerous, will not prevent him and Cinde from holding their annual “Summer Splash”. Everyone is invited to this picnic/bash at their home at 3316 Northaven in Dallas on Sunday, July 28th. Details at summersplash@amazingattractions.com
Bits and Pieces of Interesting Stuff
Wanna see something different? Get ready! Daryl Sprout and Snake Encounters presents the world’s only “Stand-up Comedy Snake Magic Cheaper than a Shrink Get Over the Fear Someone Taught You as a Kid” show at the Addison Improv on Sunday August 11 at 2:00 p.m. This show is awesome! With a combination of comedy and magic, the FUN doesn’t stop! The doors will open an hour prior to show start time so you can enjoy lunch before the show! As an added bonus, Mike Williams is also on the bill with his amazing feats of legerdemain.
“Chinese Sticks” Special Interest Group Meeting, Tuesday, July 30th at Humperdink’s Restaurant at Six Flags Over Texas for a special interest group meeting on one of the true classics of magic! RSVP to ggrimes1@aol.com before July 28th.
Come at 7:00 p.m. for dinner. (The restaurant would be most grateful if we dine with them!) Larry Heil, Geoff Grimes, and Ash Adams will be our hosts for the evening. Topics will include the history of the Chinese sticks with some routines on video, starting with Roy Benson’s classic routine with the three-stick set. Anyone and everyone will be invited to perform his or her favorite routine. Of particular interest are the routines featuring the Kovari sticks, the Nielsen sticks, the Mikame sticks, and any unusual adaptations of the Chinese sticks.
Comedy and Magic for All Ages at the Arlington Improv in Arlington (in the Highlands) have shows every Sunday at 2:00PM. With a combination of comedy and magic, the FUN doesn’t stop! Check www.improv.com for more details, or call (817) 635-5555. Catch Slappy and Monday along with Mike Squires on July 21 and Darren Collins on July 28.
Williams Traveling Magic Shop has scheduled several stops in Texas and Louisiana – Lubbock July 18, New Orleans August 26, Baton Rouge August 27, Shreveport August 28, Tyler August 29, Dallas August 30-Sept. 2, Midland September 3, and El Paso September 4. Check the website for details – www.williamsmagic.com

Karaoke and a magic show? What better way to spend your Wednesday night in Houston? You can also enjoy smoking hookah, drinks from the bar, and singing your heart out with karaoke. Cafe Luxor present D.J. Peter V, and Mark Melchor with spellbinding magic. Mark performs close-up magic starting at 10:00 p.m. with a completely different stage show each week beginning at 11:00 p.m.
Come out and support live magic!
You are welcome to join the South Austin Card Group that meets on the last Saturday of each month. Ron Cartlidge, Doc Seaton, and Bob Carroll take turns hosting the card trick lovers who share and learn. Teachers have included Jim Gentil, Rob Tarry, Roger Gorss, Ron Cartlidge, Eddie Boswell, among others. For upcoming location and times, contact group leader Lou Hornung at lhornung@sbcglobal.net
Magic in Richardson
Diamond Jim Tyler appears every Thursday night at Texas Restaurant in Richardson from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m. Go to www.djtyler.com to visit Jim’s site.
Free Magic Shows in Austin
Monday through Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. at Highland Mall, magicians and magic students congregate to enjoy the magic of professional magicians. Contact Bertil Fredstrom at bertilfredstrom@hotmail.com for details.
B Magic Children’s Shows
Saturdays at 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 1:00 and 2:30 p.m. 1903 West Pioneer Parkway in Arlington. Call 817-795-0404.
Magic Camps

San Antonio Camp Illusion is a comprehensive summer camp that teaches magic and live audience presentation skills, sharpens reading and comprehension, and builds self-esteem.
August 5-9, 2013. Details at http://www.campillusion.com/index.html
Family Magic and Summer Magic Camps in McKinney
Daily magic camps for various age groups every day and Second Saturday Family Magic Shows at Main Street Theatre in McKinney are sponsored by Magic and Fun Company, 2111 North Teneessee. Call 972-542-5010 or go to www.maintstreetmagicandfun.com for information.
Austin Fantastic Magic Camp – A fully inclusive summer day camp since 1993 that teaches life skills and confidence through magic, juggling, and puppets to kids ages 5-12.
Session 4: July 22 – August 2:
Session 5: August 5 – August 16; Session 6 (one week): August 19 – August 23
Details at http://magiccamp.com/ |
The Last Word
Sad News
Magicians were saddened to learn of the death of Gary Hansen on July 5 at his home in Ouray, Colorado. Gary was a TAOM member when he and his family lived in Austin many years ago. His wife Chris and daughters Carli and Bonnie were all very active in the Austin magic scene. I particularly remember his ready wit and willingness to lend a hand to all club endeavors. He will be missed.
Convention Bits
I get more excited about the convention every month when I get Mark Jensen’s article. The panel discussion on magic and the movies will undoubtedly be one of the convention highlights. I’m also really looking forward to seeing Tom Mullica. And Chip Romero… what can I say? He’s been a favorite since he bought his first illusion at the Austin auction when he was a teenager.
Don’t forget, you can register online at www.taom2013.com or download a printable copy of the form right here.
Judy Hollingsworth
TAOM Club Coordinator
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