Vol. 4, #2 – February 2013 |
Message from TAOM President Mark Jensen

This year at our TAOM convention, we will be supporting two charities, The Ronald McDonald House and the Alzheimer’s Association. I’ve had the opportunity to work with Ronald McDonald for guests of the Ronald McDonald House and have seen firsthand how much they mean to families with seriously ill children.
Additionally Dallas Magic Clubs Life Member Bob Karlebach, who passed away last year, also suffered from Alzheimers. Several of our club members have family members or friends who also have this devastating disease. Because of this, we felt that this was a great opportunity to give back. So we will be having several events during the convention where we all will have an opportunity to help support these worthy organizations AND have a great time as well. I’ll have more about some of these events in the coming months.
Finally, I have two challenges for you, a club challenge and a personal challenge:
• Club Challenge – I challenge each TAOM member club to hold fund raising activities, perhaps a club show or a fund raising drive. If your club would like to participate in a Club Challenge just email me at mark@taom2013.com and I will coordinate a fun contest.
• Personal Challenge – I would like to challenge every one of you to take a jar and every week between now and Labor Day weekend to drop your extra change or $1 or $5 into that jar. Then bring that money to TAOM this year and prepare to have some fun and support two charities at the same time.
Here is some additional information about our two charities if you are not familiar with them.
The Ronald McDonald House: The mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) is to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well being of children. In North Texas that includes The Ronald McDonald Houses in Dallas and Fort Worth. Places that provide a home away from home for the families of seriously ill children. It also supports the Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Children’s Medical Center and at Cook’s Children’s Hospital. These rooms serve as ICU waiting rooms for families. RMHC also provides dozens of need-based scholarships to worthy students on their way to college. RMHC depends on financial support from local fundraisers, neighborhood businesses and private donations.
The Alzheimer’s Association: The Alzheimer’s Association is dedicated to providing support and assistance to persons affected by Alzheimer’s disease and to their families and other caregivers through the Chapter’s core services. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s disease.
Please join us in supporting these two worthwhile organizations.
Mark Jensen, President
Now…Pay TAOM Dues Online
TAOM is moving into the 21st Century! You can now pay your membership dues to TAOM on the website at: http://www.taom.org/
Whether you paid at the convention, pay online, or send a check, please make your contact information is correct. If you pay your dues online and your contact information has changed, please send your updated information in an email to TAOM@hughes.net . I want to be sure that your membership stays continuous.
If your club has elected new officers in the past year, please send current contact information to JD Stewart at jd@jd-stewart.com so he can update the TAOM website.
Mary Cay Gold
TAOM Secretary/Treasurer |
Going… Going…
The guys and gals in Austin are gearing up for another fabulous magic auction on April 20. They got together for the first tagging party and prepared a large array of many types of magic for the auction. The new facility at 1150 South Bell Boulevard in Cedar Park is spacious, provides easy access, and has plenty of free parking. Auction Chair Trixie Bond reports this year’s stage and silent auction items are going to blow you away. Props and tricks from all over the State, as well as the entire Dick Todd collection, are coming in for the auction block. This year’s auction website is up and running at http://austinmagicauction.com/ Check often; the site is updated frequently. It also has details about how to sell your magic in the auction.
Bits and Pieces of Interesting Stuff
Award winning Ben Jackson recently spoke at a Technology Entertainment Design conference in Houston. His 18-minute presentation gave the audience a magician’s perspective on the relationship between simplicity vs. complexity. He talked about how he got started in magic, parallels between magic and music, magic’s hidden artistry, and how magic isn’t necessarily about “tricks”. You can watch Ben’s excellent presentation at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arhfncrJYwU |
San Antonio Assembly 52 Life Members
Assembly 52 honored two of San Antonio’s most esteemed magicians at the February 7 meeting. Ed Solomon and Claude Crowe were named Honorary Life Members. Paul Mims recounted Claude’s international endeavors in collecting and performing magic, as well as highlighting his highly respected position as a historian of magic. Sal Manfredo presented Ed Solomon with his award, noting his long-standing stature as a world class storyteller and long-time supporter of magic and magicians in San Antonio. Both of these gentleman have been columnists for various magic magazines and are highly regarded by the international magic community. San Antonio magicians are fortunate to call them friends and compeers. Congratulations to both.
Magic in Richardson
Diamond Jim Tyler appears every Thursday night at Texas Restaurant in Richardson from 6:30-8:30pm. Visit DJ’s site www.djtyler.com for videos.
Monday Night Magic
Dallas/Fort Worth – Monday Night Magic, 7:00 p.m. each Monday evening at Humperdink’s Restaurant near Six Flags on Six Flags Drive.
Family Magic in McKinney
McKinney – Second Saturday Family Magic Shows at Main Street Magic and Fun Company, 211 North Tennessee. Call (972) 542-5010 for reservations; tickets are $10 each; seating is limited to only 20 patrons.
Arlington Improv and Addison Improv
Shows every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. featuring various magicians, including Trigg Watson, Jeff Lee, Mike Squires, Ian Richards, John Kline, David Hira, and Dal Sanders.
Texas Magic Supply
Cy Albertson has temporarily closed the doors of Texas Magic Supply. He has been busy writing a new play entitled “Wand”. Look for it on Broadway one day! Congratulations to Cy on the play, but we hope that the magic shop opens again real soon.
Galindos Slowing Down
RAMON GALINDO and his wife Pauline have been pretty much homebound lately in their Austin home. They have help during the week to prepare meals and take care of things. They would enjoy a visit if you can stop by to say, “Hello”. They appreciate visits and emails to magicbygalindo@yahoo.com
Lehr Medical Update
Joannie Lehr, wife of Chuck Lehr, has learned that cancer she has been battling successfully over the past several years has now returned to her liver. Pass along your good wishes to Chuck and Joanie at klownchuck@aol.com
Farewell to Jack Yardley
Well-known Texas magician Jack Yardley died on February 5, 2013, at his home. Bruce Chadwick conducted the Broken Wand Ceremony. Jack was known in magic circles as “The Amazing Jack Yardley”. He had a lifelong love for magic and performed countless shows for schools, parties, and private engagements. He is survived by his wife Lurline and three daughters.
Dallas/Fort Worth, March 24 – Murray Hatfield Lecture. Go to www.thats-impossible.com/lectures.htm for more information.
Houston, March 26 – Murray Hatfield Lecture. 7:30 p.m. Go to http://www.houstonmagic.com/lectures.html for details.
San Antonio, March 27 – Murray Hatfield Lecture. 7:30 p.m. at Veterinary Referral and Emergency Clinic, 607 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 102. Go to http://www.ibmring18.com/ for details.
Dallas/Fort Worth, April 1 – Tim Sonefelt Lecture. Details in next month’s newsletter.
San Antonio, April 2 – Tim Sonefelt Lecture. Details in next month’s newsletter .
Tyler, April 11 – MASTERS OF ILLUSION. Gay Blackstone’s production of the hit TV series “Master of Illusion” will be presented live at the Cowan Fine & Performing Arts Center in Tyler. Go to http://www.mastersofillusionlive.com/ for details.
Grand Prairie, April 12 – PENN & TELLER. At the Verizon Theater in Grand Prairie. Details at http://verizontheatre.com/events/eventdetail.php?id=39194
The Last Word
The Joys of Working Together
The last few months have proved beyond a doubt that Texas magicians are indeed a family. Interchange between clubs grows month by month. To name just a few instances, San Antonio and Austin magicians regularly perform for each other’s Christmas parties, David Hira from Fort Worth and Dal Sanders from Dallas performed at the Houston installation banquet and show, Scott Wells from Houston and David Hira from Fort Worth will be auctioneers at the Austin magic auction, Scott Hollingsworth from Houston gave a wallet workshop in Austin, and there are many more. This sense of “family” speaks well for magicians as a group. We should embrace our brotherhood in sharing our talents and knowledge for the betterment of the art of magic. I hope this newsletter, in some small way, tightens the bonds of members of our great Association.
Judy Hollingsworth
TAOM Club Coordinator
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