Vol. 4, #8 – August 2013 |
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise…

As this is my last article before the convention, I wanted to tell you about a special surprise event that I will host at the convention.
The President’s Surprise
This event will take place on Saturday in our main showroom. I have been working on this event for about two years and I am excited that it is going to take place.
Since it’s a surprise, there is not a lot that I can tell you, but here are some thoughts about this event:
• This event has never happened at another convention.
• This event is unlikely to ever happen again.
• I honestly believe that at least 80 % of our attendees will say “Me Too” as soon as we get started.
• The event is free, but you might want to bring $25 cash with you “just in case”
Also, as a quick reminder:
• Convention Schedule for Friday & Monday has been posted on www.taom2013.com to assist in your travel arrangements. You don’t want to miss Allen Okawa’s opening lecture Friday or David Stone’s brand new lecture on Monday.
• Convention Program Ads – there is still time to submit an ad for our program. Deadline is Aug 24th.
• Hotel: You can still reserve your room for only $119 per night which includes free internet and parking. Just mention TAM or Texas Association of Magicians when you make your reservation.
• Public Tickets – Public Tickets are now available for our Sat and Sun night shows. You will find links to purchase them at http://taom2013.com/public-tickets/ They are going fast, so hurry before they are sold out.
• Charity Auction – We have started posting many of the great items that we will be auctioning off to support our charities. Plus there will be some amazing, rarely seen entertainment during the auction.
• Special Videos – Check out our YouTube Channel for more messages from our incredible performers: http://www.youtube.com/user/TAOMConvention?feature=watch
Now is the perfect time to register if you want to be part of this fantastic event. Evening Show seating is assigned, so the sooner you register, the better seats you will have.
Go to www.taom2013.com to register today!
I’m looking forward to seeing you all at TAOM this year.
Mark Jensen, President
TAOM 2013
New SAM Regional VP

At the 2013 Annual Conference of the Society of American Magicians, held in Washington, D.C., July 3–6, Michael Tallon of Assembly #52 in San Antonio was elected the new Regional Vice President (RVP) for the South Central Region (Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico) of the S.A.M. His job as RVP is to be the liaison between the S.A.M. National Council and the local Assemblies in the region. You can contact him at mtallon@att.net.
National IBM Winner
San Antonio teenage magician Drake Stanton won first place in the Youth Category competition of the International Brotherhood of Magicians at its recent an nual convention in Phoenix, Arizona. Drake competed in a contest that matched his magic talent against other young magicians from all over the world. This win was an extremely prestigious award in the world magic community.
Drake has been performing magic since the age of nine. In 2011, he won first place at the Texas Association of Magicians Junior close-up competition in San Antonio. This most recent win at the national level puts him on the path to compete for a spot in the world championship of magic to be held in Italy in 2015. Drake is a member of the I.B.M Youth Division, the national Society of Young Magicians and the local Ed Solomon SYM Assembly. He also works as a teacher and counselor at Camp Illusion Magic Camp in San Antonio.
Bits and Pieces of Interesting Stuff
Champion s of Magic – Michael Blanco and Jessica Cubelli – award winning magicians and dancers will perform for the Great Performances series at Lee College in Baytown on August 24 at 7:30 p.m. Michael and Jessica won first place in the illusion category at the S.A.M. convention in Pittsburgh and were invited to compete at F.I.S.M. — and they are world-ranked ballroom dancers. They take magic and dance to new levels in this high-energy show with their dazzling dance and stunning illusions.
Also on the bill, Magician Jamie Salinas. Jamie is an award winner in the art of sleight of hand magic who will amaze you and amuse you with his comedy magic. Details and tickets at www.lee.edu.pac
The $econd $aturday $ale is always just around the corner at Magic, Etc. in Fort Worth.
Every second Saturday of every month Magic, Etc. opens an hour early (at 9:00 am) to perform our newest and coolest magic products for the month. There are free breakfast snacks, lots of other local magicians and enthusiasts, and fantastic sale prices! Details at http://www.magicetconline.com/magicpg.php
Karaoke and a Magic show? What better way to spend your Wednesday night in Houston? You can also enjoy smoking hookah, drinks from the bar, and singing your heart out with karaoke. Cafe Luxor present D.J. Peter V, and Mark Melchor with spellbinding magic. Mark performs close-up magic starting at 10:00 p.m. with a completely different stage show each week beginning at 11:00 p.m.
Come out and support live magic!
Monday Night Magic in Dallas/Fort Worth – Perform or just enjoy the magic at 7:00 p.m. each Monday evening at Humperdink’s Restaurant near Six Flags on Six Flags Drive.

Family Magic in McKinney
Second Saturday Family Magic Shows at Main Street Magic and Fun Company, 2111 North Tennessee. Call 972-542-5010 for reservations; tickets are $10 each; seating is limited to only 20 patrons.
B Magic Children’s Shows
Saturdays at 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 1:00 and 2:30 p.m. 1903 West Pioneer Parkway in Arlington. Call 817-795-0404.
Comedy and Magic for All Ages at the Arlington Improv in Arlington (in the Highlands) have shows every Sunday at 2:00PM. This show is designed to have you in awe no matter your age! With a combination of comedy and magic, the FUN doesn’t stop! Check www.improv.com for more details, or call (817) 635-5555.

Williams’ Magic Traveling Magic Shop
New Orleans, Monday August 26
Baton Rouge, Tuesday, August 27
Shreveport, Wednesday, August 28
Tyler, Thursday, August 29
Dallas TAOM Convention
Midland, Tuesday, Sept. 3
El Paso, Wednesday, Sept. 4
Houston, September 17 – Doug Conn Lecture at 7:30 p.m. at the IATSE Local 51 Meeting Hall, 3030 North Freeway. Click here for directions. For details on this great lecture, go to www.houstonmagic.com
A TALE OF MAGIC AND THE CIVIL WAR – starring Max Howard and Diane Bray. This celebrated show is coming to the Beardsley Arena Theatre on the Austin College campus in Sherman, Texas, on October 4 & 5. To reserve tickets now, contact Dr. Lawrence Hass at lhass@austincollege.edu and let him know how many tickets you need.

TAOM Member Rick Walker died at his home in Irving on July 20 following a fall and head injury. He was one of the top magicians and illusions in Texas for several decades. He had retired from performing but never lost his love for magic or magicians. Rick’s ashes were buried near the family home in Monticello, Mississippi, in his silver stage make-up box along with some magic props and photos. Magicians gathered at the home of Dallas magician Al Daniels on August 18 for a Celebration of Life event in honor of Rick.

TAOM member Jan Bishard died on July 23. Jan and her husband Sal Manfredo have been active in Central Texas magic circles many years.
Sal posted this on Facebook:
“I write this not for sympathy but as a reminder to live your life to the fullest. Today the love of my life passed to be with the angels. After beating breast cancer and then a GIST Tumor where the doctors had to remove a quarter of her stomach she lost to a fast growing genetic form of lung caner. I am pleased to introduce The Lords newest angel Jan Merrill Bishard.”
Wanda Johnson, mother of well-known Texas magician CJ Johnson died on July 12. Despite a 35-year battle with cancer, she maintained a positive attitude and upbeat spirit to live life to the fullest. She was involved in all aspects of CJ’s magical development over the years and was always a staunch supporter of the magic community. To respect her wishes, no funeral or memorial service was held; she did ask that CJ host a “Going Away Party” in her honor. Over 150 magicians and friends told tales and shared stories and pictures at the party on August 4th in Lago Vista.
The Last Word

Oboy-oboy-oboy — it’s time! Start choosing your wardrobe and laying out your magic for the convention. SHOWS! FUN! MAGIC! All your old friends will be there and you are sure to meet some new ones in Dallas at the 67th annual TAOM Convention.
Apologies for the late report about the mid-year meeting of the Board of Directors. The major piece of business transacted at that meeting on May 18 was the adoption of revised bylaws. A copy of the document is available on the website, www.taom.org
Gotta run… time to pack the suitcases and plan the route!
Judy Hollingsworth
TAOM Club Coordinator
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